The debonding appointment is scheduled as a double appointment, in most cases on the same day. Your appointments are scheduled based on the delivery schedule of the lab that creates the retainers. The times of appointments are based on the differing amounts of time it takes the lab to fabricate the retainer and deliver it to our office.

For patients receiving Essix, or clear, retainers, the deband appointment is scheduled in the morning and the lab will turn around the retainers to be delivered in the afternoon. Because everything is done on the same day, there is no likelihood that the teeth will have time to move, thus ensuring that the result of treatment is maintained for a healthy, functional smile!

For patients receiving traditional Hawley retainers the lab requires a week to process so an extra visit is planned the week BEFORE the debond appointment to prepare for the Hawley retainer. This way, the Hawley retainer is ready to be delivered at the deband appointment. A second appointment will not be needed that day as the retainer was previously made.

For patients receiving lingual bonded retainers, they will also have Essix or clear retainers. An extra appointment will be required the week BEFORE the deband appointment to make sure the retainer is made. We may also require an extra appointment to bond the retainer prior to the debond. After the retainer has been bonded and the braces or attachments removed, an Essix retainer will also be made. These appointments are scheduled in the morning so that the lab can fabricate the clear retainers to be delivered in the afternoon on the same day.

When a patient arrives to have either the brackets or attachments removed to finalize treatment, the first step is the actual removal. Special dental cements were used to allow for easy removal, which is why our patients were asked to be careful not to break the appliances during treatment. Special pliers are used to remove the brackets and bands. Attachments are made from a material similar to that which bonds the brackets to the teeth. All of the bonding material will be polished off of the teeth.

The next steps will be the impressions for the retainers. We also take final photos and a final panoramic X-ray. Generally, the final panoramic X-ray will show the state of the third molars or wisdom teeth to evaluate their position and whether or not a referral to an oral surgeon would be appropriate.
When the patient returns to the office for the delivery of the retainer, the patient is shown how to put them in and take them off. Detailed instructions will be provided for how to wear them and how to take care of them. This information is also available on our website under the Patient Education/Your Retainers section
Treatment is officially over, however, Dr. Renick does like to follow her patients for the first six months of retention to make sure they adapt well to this phase. After successfully completing the first six months, you will officially graduate from the office.
If you have any questions about your debonding appointment or to schedule a visit with Dr. Renick, our Renick in Sunbury, Ohio, call Renick Orthodontics today at 740-936-5003.