One of our most common and most popular types of retainers is the Essix or clear retainer. This type of retainer is what Invisalign® treatment and clear aligners were modeled after.

As with all types of retainers, there are advantages and disadvantages to the Essix retainer. This type of retainer is both aesthetic and easy to wear. It’s our most cost-effective and does a wonderful job maintaining the teeth in position. If a patient is missing teeth, fake teeth can be placed in the anterior regions and block outs can be placed in the posterior regions. This type of retainer can also be easily adjustable for retention between phase I and phase II treatments as baby teeth fall out and adult teeth erupt. For our patients with grinding habits, certain types of Essix retainers can serve a dual purpose as a nightguard.

The only downside of this type of retainer is that they are very unforgivable in situations where patients do not wear them as directed. In cases with very minor movement, these retainers can put the teeth back to where they were at the time of appliance removal because they are literally a template of the final result. Unfortunately, in cases with greater tooth movement, they will be unable to make the correction. This is very similar to Invisalign clear aligners when it is not worn as directed.
To learn more about the Essix retainer and to make your appointment with Dr. Renick, our orthodontist in Sunbury, Ohio, call Renick Orthodontics today at 740-936-5003.