It is incredibly important that you take care of your braces, clear aligners and other oral appliances throughout your treatment. Keeping your braces in good condition helps ensure that your treatment progresses as planned. In some cases, this may mean avoiding certain types of food until you have completed your treatment.

On the plus side, you will be able to eat most foods without difficulty. Most food-related damage to braces is caused by hard or sticky foods. We have provided a list below of some common hard and sticky foods that are known to cause problems that we caution you to avoid. If you have a question about a food that is not included on this list, please ask our orthodontist, Dr. Renick.

Sticky foods include, but are not limited to: GUM (this includes sugar free gum), Tootsie Rolls, Skittles, Starburst, Laffy Taffy, Jolly Ranchers, Gummy Bears, etc.
*The most common urban myth is that gum won’t break braces as long as it’s sugar free. Ask yourself, what is the sticky part of the gum, the sugar or the gum?

Remember that breakage will extend your time in the appliances. Being smart about what you eat will help make sure you finish on time with a beautiful smile. We encourage you to focus on what you CAN have rather than what you CAN’T have. You will be able to eat most foods without any difficulty or worry of breaking your braces. Room temperature chocolate is always good as long as you brush your teeth afterward.
If you have any questions feel free to call Renick Orthodontics at 740-936-5003. We will be happy to provide you with more information or help you schedule an appointment with Dr. Renick, our orthodontist in Sunbury, Ohio.