This force system is similar to traditional braces, and yet very different in the way it moves teeth. “Handles” are still used to move teeth and these are called attachments. The aligners themselves snap on to the attachments and do the work a wire does. The attachments are necessary to move the teeth in all three planes of space. Aligners that don’t use attachments are very limited in the type of movement they can do.
The Invisalign® system of clear aligners is a wonderful, aesthetically appealing option to traditional braces. They are a good choice for adults and older teens. Invisalign aligners are custom-made from a clear plastic material that fits snugly against the teeth.
The Invisalign treatment system is a set of progressive aligners that move your teeth in small increments. You will wear each set of aligners for a period of time to achieve each movement before moving to the next set. Thanks to the addition of the attachments, the aligners can move your teeth in all three planes of space: vertically, horizontally and can even rotate them into their proper positions. You will come into our office on a regular basis during your treatment so that our orthodontist, Dr. Michele Renick, can check your progress and give you your next set of aligners. These visits to the orthodontist are still important because the aligners are made from computer generated predictions of how your teeth will move, however, just because the computer says it will doesn’t mean biology will agree.

You must remove your aligners for meals and clean them prior to putting them back in so that you are not holding food against your teeth. This can lead to tooth decay. You can clean your aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste. If you are committed to wearing the aligners, this is a great option for tooth movement. The trays must be worn as directed by the orthodontist or the desired result will not happen. For this reason, Invisalign treatment is not for everybody because of the need to be on top of the aligners at all times.
When considering Invisalign clear aligners as a possible treatment, please take a few minutes to self-evaluate. You will need to be very conscientious of your aligners if you choose to receive this treatment. Forgetting to put your aligners back in after eating or brushing your teeth, or simply not wearing the aligners as directed, can lead to significant delays in completing your treatment, and the treatment may end up unsuccessful. If you feel that this may be a problem for you, then Invisalign clear aligners may not be the best treatment option.
To see if Invisalign treatment in Sunbury, Galena and Johnstown, Ohio, is right for your smile, call Renick Orthodontics at 740-936-5003 to schedule your appointment.
Invisalign and the Invisalign logo, among others, are trademarks of Align Technology, Inc., and are registered in the U.S. and other countries.