Reasons to See Your Orthodontist
The reason people seek treatment with an orthodontist is often referred to as a chief complaint or primary concern. The patient may already be aware that they have a problem or they may be referred by their general dentist who has indicated a specific problem. Either way, we are happy to see new patients from Sunbury, Ohio, and the surrounding areas of Galena, Westerville, and Johnstown at Renick Orthodontics!At the exam appointment, the chief complaint will be addressed, but in many cases a thorough exam will reveal other issues at the consult that the patient may not have been aware of. Some bite problems are fairly common and usually fall into one of two groups, dental problems or skeletal problems. Most patients have some combination of the two categories. Dr. Renick will review all of the issues and help develop a working treatment plan and achievable goals with each patient.Orthodontists see a wide range of patients with a wide range of ages. We play a key role in the care of patients with cleft palate, Down syndrome and many other medical syndromes that have specific dental and skeletal related problems.